The Miracle of The Recipe – Will Heal Pain in Your Back, Legs, Ankles

If you suffer from joint pain, pains in the back or legs, than you know that it is quite an uncomfortable issue. Most often, these conditions are treated by using certain balms and sprays, as well as painkillers, but this article will present a completely natural remedy to cure the pain.

The below recipe is an effective way of relieving back pain and pain of the joints and legs. Its main ingredient is gelatin. It contains two amino acids, proline and hidrosiprolin which are beneficial for the recovery of the connective tissue. Moreover, gelatin provides strength to the joints and heart muscles, improves metabolism, and improves skin health.



5.5 oz / 150 grams of any edible organic gelatin
Cold Water (2 oz)

Method of preparation:

Pour about two teaspoons of edible organic gelatin in a quarter of a glass (2 oz ) filled with refrigerated cold water and mix well. The, cover the glass and keep it overnight. The gelatin will form a jelly.


Drink this remedy early in the morning on an empty stomach. In order to enrich its flavor, you can add water and honey, or mix yogurt or sour milk.

It is stated that this effective method relieves pain in 7 days. However, consume it for one month and repeat the procedure after 6 months. This will provide lubrication to the joints and reduce the pain.

Top Fruits You Didn’t Know Have Anti-Cancer Benefits! Very Important!

Cancer is a major health problem worldwide as this deadly disease affects millions of people every year. In the US alone, over one million Americans can develop cancer yearly. Although cancer cells have abnormal behaviors, studies suggest that up to 40% of cancer types can be prevented by means of healthy lifestyle and diet. While there are some foods that are heavily studied for their anti-cancer properties, some don’t get enough spotlight, including these fruits:

#1: Rambutan
Rambutan is an exotic fruit found in Southeast Asia. It looks like lychees, but looks like it has the spikes of a hedgehog. Although this is generally an unknown fruit, especially in western countries, rambutan has many health benefits, including its ability to prevent cancer. It has abundant antioxidant components that can get rid of free radicals, which can cause oxidative damage to our cells. According to the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, the seeds and the skin of the fruit can help protect our bodies against the deadly disease.

#2: Watermelons
Watermelons are a popular summer fruit, but this thirst-quencher also has health benefits that can contribute to fighting cancer. This delectable fruit can stop inflammation, which is the leading cause of diseases, including diabetes, arthritis, atherosclerosis, asthma, and cancer. Watermelons are effective against inflammation because of the antioxidants they contain such as:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B6
  • Lycopene

These antioxidants, particularly vitamin C and lycopene, have been widely studied for their cancer-preventing abilities.

#3: Peaches
A study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry stated that the extract of the peach fruit caused really aggressive cancer cells of mice to die. The peach extract also stopped the tumors from growing and inhibited the spread of cancer to other parts of the body.

While there are healthy foods to consume to avoid cancer, such as the fruits above, there are also foods to avoid, including farm-raised red meats, refined oils, sugar, and refined carbohydrates.

#4: Pomegranate
This fruit serves as an aromatase inhibitor with its six chemicals. Aromatase is an enzyme that is associated with breast cancer. The six compounds that pomegranate has have the potential to stop breast cancers caused by estrogen. Even more good news is that pomegranate juice is good for people with diabetes because it doesn’t affect blood sugar levels.

#5: Mangosteen
This small fruit has a white flesh and is extremely popular in Asian countries. A group of scientists claimed that a unique antioxidant in mangosteen known as alpha-mangostin can kill leukemia cancer cells, which therefore effectively cures the disease. Of course, more research is necessary, but this fruit has proven anti-inflammatory effects, along with its antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.

No More Varicose Veins, No Joint Pains and No Headaches Thanks to This Leaf

Laurel is a common ingredient in numerous households, but not many are aware that its leaves are extremely beneficial and can be used for preparing medicinal oil which boosts health in many ways.

These are some of the benefits of these leaves:

  • Boost the immune system
  • Cleanse the colon
  • Calm the nervous system.
  • Stimulate sweating
  • Enhances mental activity
  • Soothe joint pain and treat varicose veins

Here is how to prepare the laurel leaves oil:


  • 30 grams of bay leaves
  • 250 ml of olive oil

Method of preparation:

You should mash the leaves and then pour the olive oil over them. Transfer the mixture into a glass bottle, and close it well. Then, store it in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks, and shake the bottle occasionally during the time.

  • After 14 days, use cheesecloth to strain the oil, and pour the oil into a suitable container, and keep it in a cold place.
  • This oil can be used for massaging painful joints. Just heat it on steam and rub the sore areas.
  • It can also soothe severe headaches, so you should massage the temples with it.
  • It stimulates appetite and soothes stomach pain and issues with the intestines.
  • If used as a lotion, the laurel leaves oil will treat acne and pimples, and treat various skin conditions.

This oil will also alleviate earaches and migraine, and you can use it to lower body temperature, instead of aspirin. Moreover, it normalizes the hepatic and renal function.

Prevent heart disease – 4 tablespoons of this cure and say goodbye to clogged arteries and high blood pressure!

If you’re frequently suffering from colds or cardiovascular problems, you need to improve your heart health and reinforce your immune system as well. However, this is easier said than done – improving your overall health requires a lot of dedication and is a time-consuming process. Luckily, the recipe we have for you today can do all that completely naturally and in just a short time.

The remedy originated from Germany and has been used to improve heart health for centuries. It contains only natural and easily available ingredients that combine to create a powerful tonic which will significantly improve your overall health. Here’s what you need to do:


4 organic lemons

4 garlic cloves

4 cm. ginger piece

2 l. distilled water


Wash the lemon and peel it, then repeat the process with the garlic and ginger. Now, add the ingredients in a blender and mix well, then cook the mixture on medium heat until it boils. Next, remove it from the fire and leave it to cool down, then strain it and store it in a glass jar. Keep the mixture in the fridge to prevent it from spoiling.

Shake the bottle before us and take a glass of the mixture every day 2 hours before dinner to strengthen your immune system and improve your heart and overall health in just a short time.


Ginger is used as natural remedy for ages. This powerful plant is used to treat many diseases because of it health benefits. Even modern medicine has recognized it efficiency and uses it healing properties. Ginger contains compounds like gingerol and shogaol that are known to have anti cancer properties.

Researchers found that ginger has powerful effect against prostate, ovary and colon cancer. Some experts believe that it is more powerful than chemotherapy.


Recent published research discovered the effect that ginger extract has on prostate cancer cells. It proved that 100 mg ginger extract on a kilogram of body weight can stop the grow of cancer cells. This means that a person with 70 kg of body weight needs to eat 100 grams of fresh ginger root in order to achieve results against prostate cancer. At the same time ginger did not affect the formation or functioning of other healthy body cells, especially those that multiply faster. So ginger can prove that it is more effective against prostate cancer than chemotherapy because chemotherapy also kills healthy body cells.


Cancer can be detected very early and stopped with the process of angiogenesis. It is also proved that cancer cells can be stopped by active ingredients that are found in the ginger root, because they have angiogenesis properties. A study showed that ginger is useful in prevention as well as treating ovary cancer. This study discovered that ginger successfully destroys ovary cancer cells and they don’t become immune on it as they do to chemotherapy. Ginger is more effective for ovary cancer patients that chemotherapy because it does not have side effects and doesn’t destroy healthy cells.


Scientist showed that ginger provides protection against colon cancer. Then the research went further and showed that ginger can also destroy already formed colorectal cancer cells. That makes ginger effective treatment against cancer of the colon.


Modern science proved that ginger s very useful ingredient in prevention of some kinds of cancer. It provides natural treatment that is not invasive like chemotherapy. Ginger destroys cells of cancer and does not have any effect on the cells that are healthy. And it is not poisonous.


To get the best of ginger you need to include it to your daily menu. You need 4 grams of ginger in your healthy balanced diet every day. You can add it to your meals, sauces, salads, soups. Pregnant women are not recommended more than 1 gram of ginger.


When the level of uric acid in the blood is increased the condition can cause a disease called gout, kidney stones and kidney failure.

Uric acid is a compound that creates as a result of metabolism of purines. Purines are substances mostly found in sardines and liver of animals, but they can also be found in some dairy products and vegetables. The kidneys filter large amount of uric acid and expel it from the organism through urine. But when the organism produces very high level of uric acid and the kidneys don’t manage to filtrate it and expel it, it starts to gather in the tendons, joints, kidneys and other organs. Increased level of uric acid can cause a disease known as gout and similar forms of joint pain. This high level of uric acid in the blood can be caused by different factors. Many link it to genetics, others with obesity alcohol abuse, excess use of medication or kidney problems.


If you suffer from this condition there is efficient and natural remedy you can try and sort this problem. Excellent fresh and natural juice will help you lower the level of uric acid in the blood and at the same time reduce the pain in the joints that is caused by increased level of the acid.

This is what you will need to prepare the juice:

  • 1 cucumber,
  • 5cm piece of ginger,
  • 1  grapefruit,
  • 1 cup of sliced pineapple and water.

How to prepare the juice
Wash and peel the ingredients. Cut them in smaller pieces and put them all in a blender together with the water. Blend it all together until it becomes smooth liquid. Drink this juice every day before your meals.

Why this works

Cucumber is effective diuretic and it has the ability to prevent creation of kidney stones. It can also stop the negative effects of uric acid, and prevent inflammations. Cucumber can help remove the crystallized uric acid from the joints.

Ginger is good for detoxification of the body and healing inflammation.

Pineapple juice contains bromelain that has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and soothes the pain.

Grapefruit contains a high level of vitamin C and ascorbic acid that are good to sort discomfort.


Acute pain in the joints and knees affects a lot of people from all around the world. It is more common in older people because the process of aging also affects the joints and affects their mobility. Joint pain can also affect young people, especially those that spend a lot of time on their feet, wear uncomfortable shoes and have bad body posture.

The pain can be strong and constant and it can also cause stiffens in some cases. It can be a beginning of more serious conditions and therefore it is very important to treat it on time and not allow it to progress. The most important thing to do is make immediate change in your nutrition and provide the body with all the needed nutrients that can help to easier get through this situation.

You need food that is rich with calcium, magnesium, silicone, vitamin D and C. Eating foods rich in these nutrients can help you with that. The second most important thing is to activate and engage in some kind of physical activity. The opinion that you have to rest if you have joint pain is wrong.


There are also effective natural remedies that can help you beat this condition and also renew your joints.
This amazing smoothie drink is rich with nutrients like bromelain, vitamin C, magnesium and silicon, and it can relieve your painful joints and also strengthen the tendons and ligaments and that way renew your joints.

This is what you need to prepare the smoothie:

  • 1 cup of water,
  • 1 cup of oats,
  • 1 cup of squeezed orange juice,
  • 2 cups of pineapple cut in cubes,
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon,
  • ½ cup of crushed almonds and
  • some honey.

How to prepare the smoothie:
Put the oats in a pot with water and cook them for few minutes. Then remove from heat and let it cool down. When the oats are completely cooled down put them in a blender along with the other ingredients and turn on the blender. Mix it all well slowly adding some water until you get the wanted consistency. One cup should be enough, but do it by your taste.

Drink this smoothie every day and it will make the pain go away and it will also strengthen your ligaments and tendons. You will start feeling better even the next day.