Cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks are the leading causes of death worldwide, and their occurrence may be the result of oily or too salty foods, that increase the blood pressure and the cholesterol levels.

Which food is bad for your heart?

Fast food
It is full of saturated fat, salt and sugar. One piece of hamburger contains many calories. It is shown that immediately after eating such a meal, the blood vessels lose about a quarter of their ability to stretch. The biggest wrongdoer for this is the large amount of salt that acts as a preservative in this food, and increases the risk of high blood pressure and various heart diseases.

Carbonated drinks
In heart diseases it is often thought that salt and fatty foods are the biggest culprits, but large amounts of sugar are an important factor for the heart diseases. Carbonated drinks contain large amounts of sugar which decreases the sensitivity of the insulin and contributes to the accumulation of fat in the blood vessels. Daily consumption of these drinks increases the risk of heart attack by 20%.

Fried food
French fries and other foods that are fried in deep fat fryers in great restaurants are fried in oil which is rarely changed, and that with each new frying becomes richer with fat that are especially harmful for the heart.

Sausages, salami and pate.

You have to immediately throw them. The processed meat contains huge amounts of preservatives, but very low protein. Those who regularly eat these kinds of food, have bigger chances of heart attack than those who do not consume this kind of food.

7 types of food important for the health of your heart

They are rich in magnesium and selenium. One handful with nuts will help the function of your heart and it will pump the blood completely.

You should eat broccoli at least once a weak. This type of cabbage is perfect for maintaining the blood pressure normal because of the content of cellulose, potassium, calcium, magnesium and vitamin C. It is enough 200 grams of cooked broccoli on steam or boiled.

You can consume it baked or boiled. It contains vitamin D and zinc. These are very important for the tonus of the blood vessels and the heart.

Consume tomatoes fresh, or in the form of juice. Tomatoes are rich in the antioxidant lycopene. The daily dose recommended by the doctor is: two glasses of juice or 200 grams of salad.

A good daily dose is 200 grams of meat from chicken, turkey or rabbit. You should not exaggerate with the red meat. The meat can be replaced by vegetable protein such as: beans, peas and lentils.

Garlic and onion
You have to add garlic and onion in your diet, in order to protect your heart. They are rich in antioxidants and anticoagulants that protect the arteries from clogging.

Red wine
As a good preventive of the cardio vascular system, you can drink one glass on red wine. But if you exaggerate with drinking alcohol, it would be better to stop in order to protect your heart.