The Japanese have made a habit out of drinking water on an empty stomach after getting up in the morning, and the benefits of the habit have been confirmed by several studies. Water is a remedy for many diseases, and consuming it on an empty stomach can relieve headaches, pains, heart problems, arrhythmia, epilepsy, high blood cholesterol, bronchitis, asthma, meningitis, kidney problems, gastritis, asthma, etc.

Here’s what you should do:

Consume four 160 ml. glasses of water (total=640 ml.) after getting up in the morning, then brush your teeth, but don’t eat or drink anything in the next 45 minutes;

After having your breakfast, lunch and dinner, avoid eating anything in the next 2 hours;
If you can’t consume 4 glasses of water, start with one glass then gradually work your way up;
The method will treat different health problems and provide you with enough energy for the whole day.

How many days are required to treat illnesses?

The treatment takes 10 days to treat gastritis and constipation, 30 days for high blood pressure and diabetes, and 90 days to cure tuberculosis.

Start the treatment today – it will completely change your life in only a short time.

Note: people suffering from arthritis should try the method for 3 days, then take a one-week break and continue with the treatment. There are no side-effects associated with the method – you will only go to the bathroom more often.