Top Herbal Remedies For Fertility Problems

The use of herbal remedies for fertility has been in use for many ages and these remedies are not just an effective way to get rid of fertility problems but are also considered to be a safe one. There are many herbs that can be used to stimulate ovulation in females and will help in normalizing the hormone system in females. Using some of the best herbs will help in reducing the chances of infertility in women to a great extent. The best part is that both men as well as women can use the herbal remedies to reduce their infertility problems.

Top Herbal Remedies For Fertility Problems

The following are the few top herbal remedies that you can try out to help boost fertility in women.

1.    Helonias Root
The Helonias root is also known as the false unicorn root. This is a wonder herb that will help in treating a lot of issues that are associated with infertility in females.
•    It is a wonder herb that will help in boosting ovulation.
•    It will also help in improving and restoring the hormonal system in females.
•    It gives the strength that the uterus needs during ovulation and has a constructive effect on reproductive hormones.
•    It will help in improving the estrogenic activity and also help in increasing the lower progesterone levels.

2.    Ashwagandha
One of the popular herbs that are used to treat infertility problems in women is Ashwagandha. It is an Asian herb that is used commonly in treating infertility in both men and women.
•    It is an excellent herb that will help in bringing the normalcy back to the endocrine system.
•    It will boost the endocrine functions of the body.
•    It will help in improving the immune response of the body.

3.    Stinging Nettle
One of the other popular herbs used in the treatment of uterine malfunctions and help in fertility is Stinging Nettle. It will also help in boosting the functions of the adrenal glands. It is a very effective herb that is helpful in increasing the chances of conceiving. It is very effective in retaining the embryo inside the uterus, preventing miscarriages
•    It is advisable that women drink two to three cups of Stinging Nettle herb tea for many months as it will help in having a healthy pregnancy.
•    Drinking nettle tea even after childbirth is very helpful as it will help in improving milk production in breastfeeding mothers.
•    It is also a rich source of Vitamins A, D, E and K.

4.    Raspberry Leaf
Raspberry leaf is considered to be very effective in improving the chances of fertility in women.
•    It is a rich source of calcium which is found to be very essential ingredient for the normal growth of the embryo.
•    It is also very effective in maintaining the hormonal balance of the body.
•    Taking it along with red clover will boost the hormonal balance effect.

5.    Maca Root
One of the important herbal remedies that are used to treat infertility in men as well as women is the Maca root. It is a rich source of about 31 different varieties of minerals and hence boosts fertility.
•    It maintains normalcy of hormone levels in the body.
•    It will help in improving the energy level of the body and is a very good strengthener of the body.
•    It is an excellent herb to increase sperm count in men and is also effective for increasing libido in both men and women.

6.    Dong Quai
Dong Quai is an excellent herbal remedy used in Asian countries to give strength to the uterus.
•    It will help in properly regulating the menstrual cycle and thereby will help in boosting the chances of fertility in females.
•    This herb improves the blood flow to the pelvis area and helps in strengthening the uterus.
•    It will help in correcting fertility problems like irregular monthly periods and cold uterus.

7.    Oatstraw
One of the most commonly used herb in maintaining the hormonal levels in the body is oatstraw.
•    It will help in maintaining the cholesterol level of the body.
•    It is very effective in improving the function of the nervous system.
•    It is an important sexual stimulant as it has libido enhancing properties.

8.    Red Clover
Two of the very important minerals that is needed for fertility in women are: magnesium and calcium. These two minerals are found in abundance in red clover. It is one of the best herbal remedies that women can try out if they find it very difficult to conceive.
•    Red clover will help in improving the endocrine functioning of the body effectively. This will help the women to conceive easily.
•    Red clover nourishes the uterus and also helps to keep the nervous system relaxed.

Are you suffering from irregular monthly flows? Do you find it difficult to conceive and are looking for herbal remedies to find a solution to this problem? Well, then all you need to do is to try out some of the above mentioned herbal remedies and you are sure to find the right result for your infertility and hormonal problems.