Don’t throw the overripe bananas – they are your ally when it comes to beauty

Think again before you throw away the old, overripe bananas. You will be surprised by all the things you can use them for. They can be your new beauty ally. Just follow these simple tips and shine with your beauty.

1. The banana moisturizes the dry skin. Instead of using facial crèmes and lotions with harmful ingredients, cover your face with mashed banana. Keep it on your face for 20 minutes, then wash it off with water. The skin will be renewed.

2. Say goodbye to the greasy skin. Blend one banana with lemon juice, apply the mixture to your face and leave it for 20 minutes, then wash it off. It will make your skin gentle, and most important, without any greasiness and its glow.

3. Give life to the dry hair. Blend one banana, avocado and yoghurt. Apply the mask on your hair and leave it for at least 20 minutes. Then wash your hair and you will immediately notice a difference.
4. Bananas help against wrinkles. You’re wondering how? Blend one banana and avocado and apply the mixture on your face three times a day. You will lose your wrinkles in no time.

5. Remove the dead skin cells with bananas. Make a facial mask with one banana, oats and cocoa milk. This is an excellent body pilling, and your skin will shine.

6. Beat the dark circles under the eyes. Rub the mashed banana under your eyes, and the calcium will do its thing – the dark circles will be gone.

7. Say goodbye to the acnes with the banana crust. Rub the inside of a banana crust on your face before sleep, and wash the face with warm water in the morning. Do this every other night, unless you’re allergic to banana.

8. Soften the cracked heels. Blend two-three bananas and apply the mixture on your feet. Wrap them with foil paper and leave it for a while. Wash the feet. Repeat this several times if needed.

Choose the mask you need and enjoy the benefits of this tropic fruit.