A Spicy Ginger Smoothie to Help You Detox and Soothe the Stomach

Are you looking for more ways to incorporate health into your life? If so, ginger is key. The spicy root is said to fire up the body's natural ability to detoxify by aiding in digestion, settling the stomach, and helping in the elimination of waste. Toss a piece of fresh ginger into a stir-fry, add it to salad dressing, or make this delicious smoothie. Full of fiber, iron, and vitamins, it makes a tasty afternoon pick-me-up to keep energy levels up through the day.


1 banana, peeled and frozen
1/4 inch ginger, peeled and minced
1/2 cup frozen mango slices
1/4 cup orange juice
1/4 cup water
4–5 ice cubes


Place all ingredients in a blender, and mix until smooth. Enjoy immediately!