5 Simple Tips How To Get Rid Of Acne Fast Using Natural Remedies

Acne is a common problem that may occur at any time though adolescence or menopausal time is the most vulnerable time for acne. Various hormonal changes inside the body led to excessive secretion of the sebum gland. Excessive oil secretion by the sebum glands clogs the pores of the skin and bacterial infection occurs there when they are in contact of pollution. Pimples or acne may spread rapidly unless you take prompt care of acne. You may get ready-made creams and lotion that may cure acne. But there are numerous natural remedies for acne which are easily available at home and easy to practice.

This Article Will Offer You A Few Tips On Natural Remedies Of Acne

Indian Lilac Leaves:

Indian Lilac leaves perhaps are the most effective natural product to cure acne. You may wonder to know that Indian Lilac leaves have antiseptic, antifungal, antiviral, antioxidant, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. Indian Lilac leaves are very helpful not only to cure acne and pimples but also of any type of skin disease. Indian Lilac boosts up immunity power of the skins and helps to heal acne fast. You can use Indian Lilac leaves in various ways all through the day. Make a paste of fresh Indian Lilac leaves and apply them on your acne. Better apply at night before going to sleep so that your skin gets ample time to absorb the Indian Lilac juice. Daily use of Indian Lilac water helps to cure acne fast. Make Indian Lilac water boiling fresh Indian Lilac leaves in water. Preserve them in the refrigerator and wash your face daily with this antiseptic and astringent water. It serves to cure acne controlling oil secretion and keeps bacterial infection at bay.


Turmeric not only adds color and flavor to your cooking. It also has medicinal properties which may give you an acne free spotless fair complexion. Due to antiseptic property it cures skin problems like acne, pimples, blackheads, dark spots and what not. Turmeric is being used to treat acne for a long time. The easiest way to use turmeric is to grind them to smooth paste. Cover your face with this paste at least twice a week. After waiting for half an hour wash it with cold water. It really works.


Sandalwood is another excellent natural product that helps to cure acne within a few days. It is easy to apply. Buy some good quality sandalwood powder. Take a spoon of this powder. Use rosewater or plain water to make sandalwood paste. Apply this paste all over your faces. Wait until it gets dry. Then wash with cold water. Sandalwood controls the secretion of sebum gland and destroys bacteria (the cause of acne) due to its antibacterial property. Apply it daily to cure acne very fast.

Mint Leaves

Mint leaves are very effective to cure acne. Grind some fresh mint leaves and extracts the juice. Mix mint juice and plain water in 1:2 ratio. Now freeze them. Rub this mint ice cubes on your acne twice daily. You will get the benefit.

Lemon Juice:
Lemon juice is another superb natural product that cures acne. It is full of vitamin C which not only cures acne but removes acne spot and makes your skin fair. Nevertheless, do not apply it raw. Mix it with fuller’s earth and plain water to make a paste. Apply this paste twice or thrice a week. It will soon cure acne and will remove scar.

Perform the following tips and drink adequate water. Water helps to remove toxin from your body. It will help to get rid of acne fast naturally