One of the most important things that we need to stay healthy is well balanced nutrition that is packed with all necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals.  We need vitamin D, calcium and potassium for health bones, vitamin C for immunity, iron for healthy blood, vitamin A for good vision.

But did you know that there is a group of minerals or best said traces of minerals in human body that are very important for our health. Some of these weird minerals are copper, chromium, manganese, molybdenum, iodine, boron, cobalt etc. these minerals are present in human body in traces and the count is lower than 0,01% and they are called micro elements. Even though they are in small concentration these minerals are important for human health. Deficiency of one or more micro elements can cause severe diarrhea, vomiting and sweating.


It is important to know who these important minerals are and to regularly supply your organism with them; these are some of the most important micro elements that you need for healthy body.


You need this mineral if you want your thyroid gland to function properly. It is a part of the hormone of thyroid gland and it is essential for normal grow and development of the body. Iodine is also important for the metabolism, energy and body temperature. Deficiency of this mineral may lead to goiter. Some of the best food sources of iodine are sea fish, sea fruits, garlic, onion, dry fruit, peas, milk and Japanese persimmon.


This mineral is important for it role in the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin. It also has a role in preventing anemia and protecting the organism from stress as well as healthy bones, skin, heart diseases and immunity. Deficiency of this mineral can cause serious health problems and the best way to supply your organism is through water and food such as leafy greens, dry plums, peas, lentils, beans, mushrooms, potatoes, pumpkin, sunflower seeds, barley, olives, mackerel, oysters.


This mineral has important role in synthesis of DNA and RNA. It is also a part of insulin molecule and is included in the metabolism of carbs. It will keep your body protected from stress, regulate blood pressure and heart beat. You need it for healthy bones and skin. Deficiency of zinc can cause anemia, slow down the process of wound healing and grow as well as various skin inflammations. Foods rich in zinc are sea food, legumes, whole grain cereal, and cheese.


This mineral is known for its antioxidant powers, and it has important part in formation and growth of bones and healing of wounds. It is also included in the process of formation of bone marrow and cartilage and it can help reduce the level of stress. Foods rich in manganese are walnuts, sunflower seeds, whole grain rice, currants, and dry fruits.


Another mineral with strong antioxidant power that also improves the benefits of vitamin E. it is important for the immune system and proper functioning of pancreas and thyroid gland. Selenium can also neutralize harmful effects of toxins such as arsenic. Deficiency of selenium can cause diseases of cardiovascular organs, arthritis, anemia, problems with thyroid gland, as well as increase the risk of cancer. Food rich in selenium is red meat, chicken, turkey, eggs, fish, cheese, dark green leafy vegetables, garlic, walnuts, wheat sprouts.

But you also need to be careful with selenium and stick to your recommended dose because sufficiency of selenium is also dangerous and can cause sickness, vomiting, diarrhea, neurological problems, and hair loss.


This mineral has very important part in building and keeping the bones and teeth healthy. It is also important for osteoporosis prevention. Deficiency of fluoride can cause caries. Foods rich in fluoride are water, tomatoes, lettuce, cauliflower, cherries.

If you use too much fluoride spots on your teeth can be very visible sign.


Chromium is important for regulation of blood sugar level as well as level of cholesterol and fats in the blood. Deficiency of chromium is common in pregnant women and people that drink too much alcohol. Most common symptoms of deficiency of this mineral is frequent urination, hypoglycemia, thirst, nervousness. Food rich in chromium is egg yolk, whole grain bread, hard cheese, fresh fruit juices and liver.