This article is going to present you a drink which is excellent for reducing belly fat. It contains natural ingredients and it’s easy to prepare. It’s also the best way to start a healthy diet. Here’s the recipe:
A bunch of parsley
Lemon juice (from one lemon)
Blend the parsley in a food processor and then add the lemon juice and water. Blend for a few additional seconds.
The mixture works fast, and you should be able to notice the results in only a couple of days. The key ingredient in the drink is parsley, since it is a healthy vegetable rich in nutrients that promote proper digestion. Lemons will stimulate the weight loss, too and the combination of all the ingredients will reshape your belly and accelerate your metabolism. In order to achieve the best results, drink the beverage for 5 days every morning on an empty stomach. Repeat the process after 10 days.
Other drinks to consider
There are many other drinks to consider if you want to accelerate the fat burning process and burn belly fat instantly besides this fat burning beverage. Here are some of them:
Flavored water
Slice some fruit and veggies. Put them in a cup with hot water. This will enrich the water with various vitamins and minerals your body requires to function properly.
Green tea
Drinking green tea regularly should improve your digestion and burn belly fat. If the taste is too strong for you, add some organic honey to sweeten it.
Watermelon smoothie
Watermelon is a common diet ingredient. It contains a lot of water, and combining it with ice and yogurt will create a perfect weight loss smoothie.
It’s really a hard work to reduce your belly fat, but combined with a healthy diet and sticking to the plan, will get you a flat belly in no time!